"Extending the message of hope to the Carbon Valley and Eastern Longmont"
Coordinator: Fred Skates
The Carbon Valley Help Center is a local nonprofit started on behalf of the Carbon Valley Network: a local group that exists to share information and enhance collaboration between human services groups, faith-based organizations, the school district, municipalities, Weld County and nonprofits serving the Carbon Valley region and the communities of Firestone, Frederick and Dacono.
Founded in The Carbon Valley Help Center opened in February 2013 and continues to grow in its mission to help people in immediate need move toward self-sufficiency. Rinn Church provides volunteers to help them do this by working in their office or food bank. The Center is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 9a to 3p.
For more information, check out their website at www.carbonvalleyhelpcenter.org
We know that in order to be relevant, we must be reaching out and connecting with people around us in the community and the world. We are called to help God transform the world. Our call is rooted in the work Jesus did and in his message to all those who suffer and seek belonging. We perform this work by coordinating our own ministries and partnering with other local organizations. Our major missions and ministries are listed below. If the Spirit is prodding you to start a new effort, we would love to hear it! Please feel free to contact Rev. Lin or any of the leaders identified below.
Coordinator: Diana Murray
Kids Hope USA is an award winning mentoring program that works exclusively through local churches, teaching them to engage their own members in one-to one relationships with at-risk public elementary school children.
Rinn partners with Legacy Elementary School in Frederick, Co. Our program:
1. ...is run by one church.
2. ...focuses on the youngest children.
3. ...forms exclusive one-to-one relationships
4. ...respects church-state separation.
Each of the mentors are trained by the churches Kids Hope USA director. Each mentor has a behind the scenes prayer partner who actively prays for the child and the mentor.
This is an excellent way to reach out to the youth and young families of our community. So we hope you'll feel the Spirit leading you here!
Frederick, CO 80504
Office: (303) 776-1578
Contact: Lynne Anderson
United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) is a grassroots movement within The United Methodist Church designed to provide means for Christians, both lay and clergy, to offer their abilities and talents in service at home or abroad on short term mission experiences.
Their work includes construction and renewing of mission facilities, teaching, witnessing, conducting medical clinics, conducting Bible study or Bible School for children, and serving in disaster relief efforts around the world.